This will benefit the company as they can save money because they will not have to print out copies of work and they can save time as they can upload the work they have on the network. The company will get more work done that way as they will be saving time by doing the work on the computer and not having to print them out and if they have made a mistake they can go online and change it and the print out would be wrong and you would have to reprint it out and then they would loose money by doing that each time and they would save time be doing that as well.
It would also be efficient as the work would be done on time and they would get more done and everything would be handed in on time as they could move on with the work as they could do it on their own and not wait to be told what to do.
Customer Facing
An example of customer facing is Amazon and Argos as you can order online with these stores online catalogue these websites can be useful because you don’t have to go down to the shop to get them you can just order them online and get them delivered straight to your door it will save you money also if you order online that are only available when you order online with Argos you might have to pay a delivering fee but with Amazon most things on it are free delivery and they only take up to 3-4 working day or you could pay extra for next day delivery.
You can also talk to customer support if you have an queries about a product and when you could get your delivery, most online stores would let you talk live to someone there and then and help you with your problem or they would get you to fill out a form a direct you top the page that would help you. You can also email them if you have any problems or complain to them about a product you have bought and there was a fault with it.
You can also browse through the online catalogue and there might be deals on for ordering online so you will get it cheaper than if you went down to the and bought the same thing. It will also have advertisements on things that they don’t have and redirect you to a different website to buy the product you want. A customer facing site can bring in more money as it is open 24/7 so it will bring in more money than the shop just being open and is suppose to improve customer care so they dont have to go down and colect it.
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