Task 1

 Web Server

It stores websites and IP address. A web server is a computer system that can handle multiple things at once from different users. When you are browsing the web for a website it searches through the servers it is stored on and goes back through the router and back to your computer. Web servers are usually protected form hackers and virus from firewalls.

Proxy Server

 A Proxy Server is a computer and is a gateway that acts between local networks like all the computers in one building. A Proxy Server is used in schools so when you are browsing the web it only lets you view the website on the Proxy Server.  It can monitor employees use of outside resources and provides increased performance and security measures.

Mail Server

A mail server receives incoming emails and It also forwards outgoing mail and it stores emails and if you want to check your emails they will be stored in the server. It is separate from a web server so it doesn’t interfere with it and is protected by a firewall.


A router is part of the internet. A router goes through all the possible ways to find your website and bring the website to your computer going through different paths, making decisions on what paths it can take and should be used to relay network data between the servers and client computers.

How the internet works

The internet is a world-wide network of computers linked together by telephone wires, satellite links and other means. When your on your computer and you go onto the the Internet it goes through the servers and trys to find what you are looking for going through all the different registers and servers to find which one is yours. 


Web Server application is a powerful piece of software which runs on web server hardware. The job of this is to host requested web pages and bring images, sounds and video etc to the client.

Web Browsers

A browser lets people access the world wide web and gets the HTML code and searches the web then brings back the IP address and converts into a website. It must be on the computer to access the Internet. The web browsers are free to download e.g. Google Chrome and Internet Exploer.

Email Software

There are many different email software's used world wide everyday and they all have similar basic functions. You can send attachments through email.They all for example compose new emails, read incoming emails manage multiple email folders and maintain an address book for the user some examples are Gmail, MSN Yahoo etc.

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